Simon & Garfunkel

Billy Harrington

Billy Harrington

Cast (North America)

From Ann Arbor, Michigan, Billy Harrington is a full-time drummer keeping busy with recording sessions and live work.

With a bachelors in the Musical Arts & Jazz Studies from the University of Michigan, he has lectured on early pop drumming and most extensively on the drumming of Ringo Starr, including for the university's symposium celebrating the 50th anniversary of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, and as a featured artist in the Oxford University Press textbook, “What Goes On : The Beatles, Their Music and Their Time.”

As producer, his own shows, "A Night For James: A Tribute to the Music of James Taylor," and Lennon & McCartney tribute "All Together Now" debuted in 2015 and 2016.

In 2019, Billy’s research on the drums of Led Zeppelin’s John Bonham with Paul Thompson of Roxy Music was published in Modern Drummer magazine.

Recent stage credits include “Always… Patsy Cline” and “MAMMA MIA” (Encore Musical Theatre Company 2021-22), and national tours, THE BRITISH INVASION LIVE (Quatro & Maple Tree Entertainment 2022) and DIRTY DANCING IN CONCERT (Quatro Entertainment 2022).

Billy is so excited and honored to be on stage celebrating two of pop music’s greatest songwriters, Simon & Garfunkel.

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